
Are MDF plates immune to termites?

This is another widespread misconception - that the reconstituted wood panels are resistant to termites. Know that no treatment is given to the MDF, the plywood or fiber to the plate to protect against termites. It turns out that these panels are pressed at high temperature, about 200°C, which kills all insects existing in the production process, including the termite. This process guarantees that the plates arrive in dealerships free of termites, but it ensures that no contamination can happen from there. But, as usually, the plates are stored in little time dealers and joinery, it is difficult to attack from termites occur in such locations. However, if the mobile is installed in an area contaminated by termites, it can be attacked. Knowing this, we recommend a local pest control to prevent the mobile is overrun. (source: Boletim do Marceneiro - Duratex - Edição: Rita Curci)


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